Our History
Who We are
Mission & Vision
Core values

About The Founders
Bishop Pacifique Hakizimana and his wife Pastor Eunice Kendi are both missionaries who have answered Gods calling to bring about revival. They met in Kenya where Kendi was a bible college teacher while Pacifique was a student and together they were missionaries in East and Central Africa for 10 years. Having come from two different nations and cultures, their union has had great setbacks but through Gods grace they conquered all.
For this reason Pacifique’s heart is to bring people to an understanding that we are one nation under one Father.
“Fatherhood Sanctuary is our vision to bring the love and the heart of God the father to the entire nation through preaching the gospel.”
Kendis' heart burns for children to experience the tangible love of God and she heads a School for children.
They are blessed with five children Josiah, Jewel, Joshua, Joanna and Joella.

Fatherhood Sanctuary is a family church that reveals the heart of God the Father to people with an aim to raise a generation of people that will shape and transform African culture to Kingdom culture. We teach, empower, mentor, and father men and women so that they can also manifest God as a loving father to others.
It is also a place of encounter with God. In our courts the sick are healed, the broken hearts are mended, the lost are restored and the chains are broken. Fatherhood is a place where people can come to encounter God face to face and take the move of God to their ministries and families.
As a wholesome church with all the fivefold ministries in operation, we are the home of Morning Joy for All Nations, Kingdom Business Forum, Glorious Academy, Fatherhood Gospel Music, and Bethel Tech. These branches seek to affect and impact every person and area in the society here in Africa.
Motto: Kings and Priests
Mission: To preach the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Vision: To see Heaven on Earth.
Our Objectives- To establish the Kingdom principles and values through mentorship.
- To Unit the Body of Christ.
- To build the financial capacity of carrying out ministry work.
- To serve the community through affordable education, health care, housing and social wellbeing.

Love: John 13:34: The only commandment that Jesus gave to His Disciple
Forgiveness: Through the Death of Jesus all our sins are forgiven.
Care: God is in charge of all.
Honor: We are honored not by what we have or what you do but because of who we are in God through Jesus Christ.
Excellence: It is the character of God and our goal is to imitate His nature of doing things.
Hope: The energy that keeps us moving forward.
Problem/Obstacle: They are advantages for us to see Gods greatness and also a way of growth to attain more maturity muscle.
Responsibility: We are aware of our work task and we are working hard to give forth the intended fruits.
Faith: We believe that all things are possible
The Journey
My journey with Christ began in 1998. This is when I totally surrendered my life to God. My life before and after salvation is written down in my first book, The Journey of Trusting God. However as you will read my life had one consistent element, which was poverty. But it did not stop me from having visions and dreams.
In 2001, I got a revelation from the book of Isaiah chapter 19. This particular text has two parts. The first part, Isaiah 19:1-18, talks about what would happen in Egypt and the second part, Isaiah 19:18-25, depicts a picture of the salvation of Egypt. Despite the various interpretation in theology, I got a revelation that Egypt in the above context represents Africa.
This is because in spite of her wealth and natural resources Africa has remained to be poor and has for a long time be in war. A country like Congo, which is rich in minerals and precious stones, remains one of the poorest countries dominated with civil wars. In addition, looking at what happened in my country Rwanda in the 1994 genocide then am convinced that it is time for Africa turns to the Lord, and he will respond to our pleas and heal us. My vision is grounded on Isaiah 19:23:25.
In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt and the Egyptians to Assyria. The Egyptians and Assyrians will worship together. In that day Israel will be the third, along with Egypt and Assyria, a blessing on the earth. The Lord Almighty will bless them, saying, “Blessed be Egypt my people, Assyria my handiwork, and Israel my inheritance.”
I believe that there will be a highway of rival from Africa to other parts of the world. The vision is already on with the establishment of Fatherhood Sanctuary, Morning Joy for All Nations, and The Training Centre.
Statement of Faith
We believe in the trinity, God the Father, the son and the Holy Spirit, the baptism of the Holy Spirit that empowers a believer to live a righteous life filled with the unconditional love followed by signs and wonders; and the Grace of God provided to us through Christ Jesus working within us and enabling us to live a Godly life.
Bishop Pacifique Hazikimana
Fatherhood SanctuaryVerse of the day
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09:30AM - 12:30PM
Mid Week Service
FROM 05:45PM - 07:00PM